Tuesday, June 23, 2015

2 Weeks In

Hi all,

I have been here for just over 2 weeks. I am loving the weather and the town and I have even made a few friends. Daisy is pretty lonely though. She misses my niece and nephew and spends most of her day looking out the window for someone - even when I am home. She isn't sure what to do with the soft green stuff on the ground; it sure hides a lot of bugs though and makes mom mad when she digs it up. I do need to take a moment to comment on this stuff called mud. I don't like it. It gets tracked all through the house. I don't mind the dirt and the dust, but mix it with water and well, it really stresses me out to see paw prints or large men's foot prints (maintenance) through out the house. 

Not quite finished  living room
Daisy and I are slowly getting settled into the new place. Maintenance is still working on work orders for things that were broken when I moved in. Thankfully, I have 2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms, no dishes, so not having a shower head or curtain rod, or a window in one of the bedrooms, or a dishwasher or garbage disposal, really doesn't matter. I finally have living room and dining room furniture. A dear friend of mine was able to come to town over Father's Day weekend and help me unload some furniture that he had in storage and the apartment is starting to look like a home. I was supposed to get a mattress in this deal. Let's just say that when we put it out by the dumpster, it did not go anywhere. I will be on an awesome, brand new bed on Saturday night. Daisy will be in her kennel and I will not be waking up before 9 on Sunday. 

Lots of things are different here - like I am so much closer to the cows (I can SMELL them) WHY IS THE MILK TWICE AS EXPENSIVE AS HOME?!?!?! I might relegate my self to not drinking milk. There are bugs. Lots of bugs. Daisy doesn't like bugs (neither does mom). I haven't seen cactus since New Mexico. The sun goes down SO late at night and no one is up and moving before 6 AM. I am starting to adjust to the 2 hour time difference. Thankfully, my parents are up at 4:30 their time so I don't feel so bad texting them when I wake up. However, why am I getting texts from my mother at 2 am if she is up at 4:30?

I am meeting a lot of new people and making good friends. I think I have only been truely lonely once and it was because I was over tired and over whelmed. I decided to go to bed and woke up the next morning feeling just fine. 

Work is going great. My boss is located in San Diego, so another experience with a remote boss. I am really excited to work for him and my coworkers are fantastic. 

I am so incredibly grateful for this opportunity to completely start my life over. It is allowing me to really deal with some of the issues that I thought I had dealt with instead of sweeping them under the rug (which is what I really did). It sure is an adventure and I am finally working on my happy. 

Bear with me through the inital posts - I am still working on getting used to the blog thing.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

New Beginings

Hi everyone,

We have officially started a new beginning. A new life. We moved to Lubbock Texas on June 5 for a new job, in a new town, where I don't know anyone. A complete fresh start. 

I found an apartment over the Internet. It has a lot of potential. Plenty of room for the two of us, and a back yard for Daisy to try to catch things. It is a few block from the office so I should be able to walk most days. However, my new company is putting us up in a hotel for a few days. OH MY GOODNESS. It is one of the nicest hotels I have stayed in by myself. it has a full kitchen and living room, HUGE bathroom, and a super amazing king size bed. Tomorrow, after church, the plan is to organize a little bit and lay by the pool! Tonight's plan, is to take Daisy for a walk and be in bed around 8 and just watch movies. 

Speaking of church, I found the one I am going to go to. It is kind of far away but I am planning on being active in church here. I tried to find the temple, but I ended up at Walmart. I saw a spire and it looked like one that is on every LDS church so I assumed it was the Stake center that is next to the temple. No. It was a Church of Christ that is next to Walmart. Walmart was on my list so of course, I forgot the 2 items I went in for, but still walked out with 100 bucks worth of stuff. 

There is so much to learn and experience and to do. Poor Meghan, I texted her in the middle of the night having a panic attack because how excited I was that I can decorate completely differently than I have every decorated before. AND MY MOM CAN'T SAY NO!!!! Just waiting for a pay check. 

The trip over was fairly uneventful. Thank you to Ryan for recommending Coast to Coast. I didn't pick up the station until I was sitting at the light at Main Street in Roswell, but it got me through the REALLY hard spot to stay awake. Down side of leaving as late as I did, I still have not seen what the road between Alamogordo and Roswell looks like.